
We use the operators to make operations with the basic types of Java. Let’s see them:

Simple assignment: It assigns a value to a variable, you can assign a new value in the variable.

Compound assignment: Other way to assigns values:

a (sign)=b this means a = a (sign) b, the sign can be:

  • ( + ) to add
  • ( – )  to substract
  • ( * )  to multiply
  • ( / )  to divide
  • ( % ) to return the raminder

Arithmetic operators: These are used for mathematical calculations the simplest:

Additions, subtraction multiplication, and division. (+,-,*,/).

6/2*2+5-2 the result is = 9

Power (**)

2**4 = 2^4 the result is 16

Modulus (%)

5%2 the result is 1, it returns the reminder of 5/2

Comparison operators:

These operations returns a Boolean so, it returns true or false:

  • Equality “==”

If the values are the same return true instead return false

  • Compare <,<=,>,>=

ab If a is smaller or bigger than b.

a<=b / a>=b if a is smaller/bigger or same than b.

Logic operators:

These returns true or false, an it follows the rules of the table of truth. This is the basic structure: condition1 (operator) condition2