Control flow

Alternative: it allows you select a sentence or a block of sentences through the evaluation of expression:

-Sentence if, else if, else: this sentence evalues from the values given returning true or false to go in example

The result of this will be:

-Switch is a sentence used to choose one between the several options. This one is specially when the selected values is simple.


The case default is like else in if; is the rest of expression

The result:


Frequents errors in alternative programming:

-The most common error is make a mistake with the assignment operator = and the equal operator == in if sentences

-The use of equal operator == in operations with decimal numbers, maybe it returns a fake logical expression because the decimal numbers don’t store exactly so, better use <= or >= in the case of decimal number.

-In the switch sentences the value to evaluate have to be integrate number or compatible, so the decimal number can’t be used here.

Repetitive sentences, loops.

This sentences can be executed a determinate or indeterminate number of times, this sentence has three parts, body, itinerate and control variable

-While the body will repeat all time until the control variable becomes true or write break;


The result


Do while: This loop usually is used to check information.


This code checks if the user introduces a digit and this loop at least execute once instead of while

-For: This repetitive operator is quite different from the rest you have to considerate:

– Initialization:

-It can be any value

-You can avoid that

-You can initialize more than one

  – Checking:

-Simple condition

– Complex Condition

-You can avoid that, not recommended

– Itineration:

-It can be integral or decimal values.

-It can be mutables or fixed values.

Example of for:



-Cautions to considerate writing a for loop

            -The condition must become false sometime, if not it will be an infinite loop.

-Don’t change the value of the control variable in the body.

-You can exist from the loop using break but is not recommendable

– Don’t write ; forward of for(…);

-For each This is used to roam a collection, like an array:

The structure is easy for (TypeOfCollection itinerator:NameOfCollection){




Repetitive sentences, loops.

This sentences can be executed a determinate or indeterminate number of times, this sentence has three parts, body, itinerate and control variable

-While the body will repeat all time until the control variable becomes true or write break;


The result


Do while: This loop usually is used to check information.


This code checks if the user introduces a digit and this loop at least execute once instead of while

-For: This repetitive operator is quite different from the rest you have to considerate:

– Initialization:

-It can be any value

-You can avoid that

-You can initialize more than one

  – Checking:

-Simple condition

– Complex Condition

-You can avoid that, not recommended

– Itineration:

-It can be integral or decimal values.

-It can be mutables or fixed values.

Example of for:

